Leading with Laughter: The Power of Humor in Leadership | Paul Osincup | TEDxNapaValley

Leading with Laughter: The Power of Humor in Leadership | Paul Osincup | TEDxNapaValley

Paul Osincup talks about his idea for using laughter to building stronger leaders as part of the TEDxNapaValley 2016 “Go Figure!” A specialist in conflict resolution, Paul works as a speaker and consultant, advising companies and educational institutions…

The subversive power of servant leadership | Ian Fuhr | TEDxJohannesburg

The subversive power of servant leadership | Ian Fuhr | TEDxJohannesburg

Ian Fuhr’s life journey has been a series of entrepreneurial ventures, each started in new and unfamiliar The most important lesson he has learnt, he says, is the power of servant leadership—the counter-intuitive idea that the purpose of…

The rarest commodity is leadership without ego: Bob Davids at TEDxESCP

The rarest commodity is leadership without ego: Bob Davids at TEDxESCP

TEDxESCP is an independently organised TED event, by students of ESCP Europe in Curator, TEDxESCP: Johannes Bittel Produced by: Adrián Pablo Trinidad In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that…