Are there Personality Differences between Sexes?

Are there Personality Differences between Sexes?

Check out that awesome FREE 3-in-1 personality quiz (and let me predict things about you)

The Science of Women’s Leadership | Alexis Kanda-Olmstead | TEDxCSU

The Science of Women’s Leadership | Alexis Kanda-Olmstead | TEDxCSU

Why are there so few women leaders? Weaving together scientific research and personal narrative, Alexis Kanda-Olmstead explains why women may be reluctant to take on leadership roles and what we – women and men – can do to disrupt…

Why we have too few women leaders | Sheryl Sandberg

Why we have too few women leaders | Sheryl Sandberg

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg looks at why a smaller percentage of women than men reach the top of their professions — and offers 3 powerful pieces of advice to women aiming for the TEDTalks is a daily video…