How to get your ideas to spread | Seth Godin

In a world of too many options and too little time, our obvious choice is to just ignore the ordinary stuff. Marketing guru Seth Godin spells out why, when it comes to getting our attention, bad or bizarre ideas are more successful than boring ones.

How to Get Your Ideas to Spread

If you want your ideas to spread like wildfire, you have to know how to market them. Seth Godin is an entrepreneur and best-selling author, who has more than a million blog readers every day. His books range from effective marketing, to education and leadership. His success stories include a magazine stand, a travel agency, and several failed businesses. His latest endeavor is Akimbo, a cultural podcast.

The death of the TV industrial complex and the onset of the Information Age has made marketing a lot easier. Marketers have to realize that they need to break free of the mold, instead of following the crowd. While a product that is above average could hit a huge market at the center, they need to find a niche where they can serve that special group. This way, they can reach the people who need and want that product.

To get your ideas to spread, you must be remarkable. That means defining the idea that people would be interested in, and separating your idea from the competition. Once you’ve identified your niche, you can set yourself apart by creating unique content that will help spread your ideas. This article will provide tips on how to make your ideas stand out. You must also create a compelling manifesto for your idea.

You can also use podcasts to spread your ideas, especially if they’re relevant to your business. Podcasts, videos, and social media can help you spread your ideas in a viral manner. By establishing a relationship with a podcast host, you can use your platform to share your ideas with other listeners. If you’re not able to spread your ideas, they can’t get the attention they deserve.

The concept of the purple cow comes to mind. According to Seth Godin, you should focus on what people want instead of what you need. People are overwhelmed with information and often ignore what’s not unique. To stand out in a crowded market, you need to be extraordinary. You need to be extraordinary, so that people will talk about your idea. Godin’s approach stands in stark contrast to the mass-marketing strategy that many entrepreneurs employ.

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